Dosen Teknologi Pangan Unimus terdiri dari Siti Aminah STP MSi, Nurhidajah STP MSi dan Agus Suyanto STP MSi mengikuti kegiatan konferensi Internasional “IUMS Outreach Program on Food Safety and International Conference on Mycotoxin” yang diselenggarakan oleh Center of Excellence on Mycotoxin Studies (CEMycoS), Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada. konferensi ini membahas hal terkini dan program ke depan dalam menjaga keamanan pangan dari bahaya mikrobiologi khususnya toksin dari kapang. dalam menyelenggarakan event penting ini UGM menggandeng IUMS (International Union of Microbiological Societies), PERMI (Indonesian Food Microbiology), dan PATPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Teknologi Pertanian Indonesia).
Pembicara kunci adalah Giancarlo Perrone, Dr (Institute of Sciences of Food Production National Research Council Bari, Italy), yang menyampaikan paparan “Black aspergilli and their mycotoxin production, and Mycotoxigenic fungi and mycotoxins in corn”. nara sumber seminar yang lain diantaranya:
- Jens C. Frisvad, Prof. Dr (Department of Systems Biology, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby Denmark), membahas Mycotoxins and exometabolites in foods; How do we secure correct identification of mycotoxins and the fungi which produce them?
- Latiffah Zakaria, Dr (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia), Food Safety in Malaysia
- Ludwig Niessen, Prof. Dr (Ist. für Technische Mikrobiologie Technische Univ. München Freising, Germany), membahas Application of molecular biological methods for detection of mycotoxin producing fungi in food; Detection of mycotoxins using affinity-based technologies
- Naresh Magan, Prof. Dr (Cranfield Soil and AgriFood Institute, Cranfield University, UK), membahas Climate change, food security and mycotoxins: do we know enough??; Mycotoxin regulations and sampling issues in the global market?; Ecology of mycotoxigenic fungi and possible prevention strategies
- Rico Emilia, Dr (BCN labs, Knoxville USA), membahas Good Sanitation Practices (GSP) and Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP) to prevent pathogen contamination and mold spoilage of Ready-to-Eat (RTE) foods; Molds isolated from the processing environment and their significance in spoilage of heat-processed beverages and juices;
- Rindit Pambayun, Prof. Dr (Indonesia), membahas Current Research and Technological Application in Food Safety in Indonesia
- Robert A Samson, Prof. Dr (Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, The Netherlands), membahas The IUMS outreach programme
- Roy Sparringa, Dr. (National Agency for Drug and Food Control, Republic of Indonesia), membahas Indonesian Food Safety: Regulation and Challenge
- Su-Lin Leong, Dr (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Dept of Microbiology, Uppsala, Sweden), membahas Identification of foodborne yeasts and moulds – a guide for users; Biocontrol of mycotoxins – strategies and obstacles
- Thrane Ulf, Prof. Dr (Denmark), Fusarium toxins; Are all fungal metabolites toxic?
- Warapa Mahakarnchanakul, Dr (Kasesart University, Thailand), membahas Mycotoxin Regulation in Thailand
- Endang S. Rahayu, Prof. Dr (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia), membahas Traditional fermented food and their safety
- Francis M. C. Setyabudi, Dr (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia), membahas Current and prospect of research & community outreach in mycology and mycotoxin in Indonesia